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Home 5 MAPFRE cares about you

MAPFRE Cares for You


Newsletter that informs you about different conditions and how to identify their symptoms, recommendations, and much more.

Or if you prefer to call us at

The Health Education and Promotion Program MAPFRE Cares for You is an innovative service whereby MAPFRE provides to all policyholders information on health-related issues.

The Program’s goal is to achieve permanent changes in behavior and to help you take care of yourself and act preventively to stay healthy and avoid acute or chronic conditions.

You will receive through the newsletters information about current issues relative to prevention, promotion, and health maintenance. You can access the newsletters whenever you need to, which will help you familiarize yourself, learn, and manage your current health condition.

Should you need orientation on any health issue, or to clarify any doubts that you may have, you may contact our health Educators at 787-622-4000 extensions 4022 or 4041.