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Home 5 Life, Cancer and Disability Insurances 5 Accident Hospitalization Indemnity Insurance

Accident Hospitalization Indemnity Insurance


MAPFRE Accidents offers you a complete indemnity solution with you in mind.​

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The general conditions of the Accident Hospitalization Indemnity Insurance detail the guarantees from which the insured can benefit:

  • The company will pay the insured the daily benefit for hospitalization due to an accident until they are discharged from the hospital or up to a maximum of 180 days hospitalized due to an accident.
  • If the insured is confined in an intensive care unit, the daily benefit will be paid until discharged or transferred within the hospital outside the intensive care unit or up to a maximum of 90 days.
  • Payment of the daily benefit for convalescence at home due to an accident is limited to the number of days the insured was hospitalized or thirty days, whichever is less.

Accident Hospitalization Indemnity Insurance of MAPFRE LIFE establishes a series of requirements and restrictions that users must know to understand what their rights and obligations are when hiring the policy.


  • The age of eligibility to obtain the insurance is up to 60 years of age.
  • The insurance termination age is 70 years.
  • The benefits of this policy are reduced by 50% when the insured reaches the age of 65.
  • This policy excludes losses caused by suicide, injuries received while the insured is under the influence of alcoholic or intoxicating beverages, use of drugs, narcotics, injuries received while negligently driving any motor vehicle without the proper permits or protections of law, among others.

MAPFRE LIFE offers its clients a series of recommendations for use so that they can benefit from all the guarantees of this insurance. For this, it is necessary to be aware of some relevant aspects both before and after hiring it.

Among the recommendations for hiring this product there are the following:

    • Carefully read all the special provisions and clauses of each coverage.
    • Once the Accident Hospitalization Indemnity Insurance has been contracted, it is convenient to know the clauses, limitations and requirements of the policy in order to be able to act accurately in each case.
    • The first premium must be paid on the date of the policy and the rest can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
    • The premium payment method may be changed by the owner on any policy anniversary.
    • In the event of a claim, written notice of the claim must be given to the Company within the first one hundred and eighty days after the accident covered by the policy, as soon as reasonably possible.

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