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Home 5 Life and disability insurance for my business 5 Non Occupational Disability Insurance

Non Occupational Disability Insurance


Pay benefits for any accident or illness unrelated to the job or to a car accident.

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The general conditions of the policy details the covers of which the insured takes benefit, and the benefits, requirements and restrictions set forth in the agreement.

The Temporary Non Occupational Disability Insurance (SINOT) of MAPFRE LIFE is a policy designed to pay compensation to insured workers who have lost their incomes because of a disability by disease or accident not related to employment develop or as a result of an automobile accident.

All workers, except those who are employed by the government, non-profit companies, or drivers, can access this benefit if they have earned at least $150 in insurable employment during the base year and are under medical treatment or duly authorized chiropractor.

In this regard, it is important to note that MAPFRE Life is one of the most active companies in underwriting and management plans under Law 139.

This insurance includes a number of requirements and restrictions that must be studied by the customer before hiring. It is important to consider these aspects to choose the policy that best suits your needs and those of your business.

For getting access to the established coverages in MAPRE LIFE, The Temporary Non Occupational Disability includes the following requirements and restrictions, among others:

  • It does not cover cases of disability due to an employment-related accident or a car accident.
  • To access the compensation the insured must have received at least $150 in insurable employment during the base year.
  • Policyholders may receive benefits up to 26 weeks.
  • The benefits will be paid according to the maximum amounts stated in the general conditions of the policy and under the terms established in the Benefits for Temporary Non Occupational Disability Law.
  • MAPFRE is not liable for damage not covered by the agreement with the Company.

MAPFRE LIFE recommends know and follow a series of recommendations for use in order to access the covers included in the general conditions of the policy as well as the benefits and advantages of the policy if an accident happens.

Recommendations for hiring a Temporary Non Occupational Disability Insurance for your business:

  • Read carefully all special provisions and clauses for each cover.

Recommendations to benefit from the Temporary Non Occupational Disability Covers:

  • Changes made to the policy are not valid until they are approved by an executive officer of the Company and only if approval is endorsed to it.
  • We offer a grace period of 31 days for paying every single premium that expires after the first one. The policy remains in force during that period.
  • MAPFRE LIFE is entitled to examine, at its expense, the insured when and as often as reasonably required while it is pending a claim, as well as an autopsy in case of death, if is not prohibited by law at that time.
  • The Company provides the policyholder a summary of the essential characteristics of the insurance in order to be delivered to each covered employee.
  • MAPFRE LIFE can cancel the insurance at any time for nonpayment through a written notice to the policyholder and to the Secretary of Labor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, indicating the effective date of cancellation.
  • Users interested in knowing what are the characteristics of the Temporary Non Occupational Disability Insurance may do so by telephone, through MAPFRE Contact Center, our Information Center 24/7.

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