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School Accidents Insurance


Protection against damages caused by an accident and the medical expenses incurred as a result.

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MAPFRE LIFE offers, for all its insurances and services, a number of general conditions which indicate the covers established for each product, its benefits and advantages, limits and restrictions to consider to get the maximum benefit from your policy. 

School Accident Insurance is a policy designed to protect students and teachers of a school from damages suffered in an accident and from the medical expenses incurred because of these.

Policyholders are protected when they attend school, for the days set at the schedules, in the way to school or back to their residence and / or when they are participating in activities sponsored and supervised by the school authorities. In these periods, they are covered for Accidental Death, Dismemberment, Medical Expenses or Hospitalization and Dental Expenses. 

In addition, it protects policyholders in the event of an accident of movement when they are carrying seatbelt or from damage while traveling outside of Puerto Rico, among others.

This insurance includes a number of requirements and restrictions that must be studied by the customer before hiring. It is important to consider these aspects to choose the policy that best suits your needs and those of your business.

The School Accident Insurance indicates in its general and special conditions, the following requirements and restrictions:

  • MAPFRE LIFE is not liable for payments for injury or death or other loss caused, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by the insured.
  • Damages because of suicide or attempted suicide within two years from the effective date of coverage are excluded.
  • Injuries caused by war or act of war, declared or not in time are not covered.
  • MAPFRE LIFE is not liable for compensation if the insured is under the influence of alcohol or any narcotic substance unless it had been administered by a doctor or accidentally ingested.

MAPFRE LIFE recommends know and follow a series of recommendations for use in order to access the covers included in the general conditions of the policy as well as the benefits and advantages of the policy if an accident happens.

Recommendations for use before hiring a School Accident Insurance: 

  • MAPFRE LIFE recommends a careful reading of the general and special conditions of the policy and covers included by the Company.

Recommendations to benefit from the School Accident Insurance covers: 

  • All insurance benefits are paid after receipt of the evidence requested by MAPFRE LIFE.
  • Insurance benefits are delivered to the insured person if he/she is present (otherwise the executors or administrators of the insured person), unless the insured is a minor. In the latter case, such payments can be made to parents, guardians or other persons that are reflected in the archives of the company.
  • MAPFRE LIFE is entitled to examine, at its expense, the insured when and as often as reasonably required while it is pending a claim, as well as an autopsy in case of death, if is not prohibited by law at that time.
  • Changes made to the policy are not valid until they are approved by an executive officer of the Company and only if approval is endorsed to it.

Life and Disability Services for my Business

Check the services related to Life and Disability insurance for business offered by MAPFRE PUERTO RICO.





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