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Home 5 Property Insurance

Property Insurance


We place at your disposal the broadest, most flexible commercial insurance policies in the market.

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Property and Contingency

MAPFRE can offer you a large variety of insurance policies according to your needs. We take care to offer maximum protection for your home or business against losses caused by fire, explosion, vandalism, theft, hurricane, earthquake, etc. This is why we make available to you a variety of products that can improve the quality of your life and make you feel more secure in any eventuality. Get your dwelling insurance quote now!


For more information, please see our brochure.

MAPFRE, through the general conditions, shows the covers, benefits and advantages of the policies, and the limits and restrictions established by the Company for the business insurances.

MAPFRE Property insurance for business is the policy that protects the insured against damages caused in the property provoked by fire, vandalism, hurricane, earthquake and theft, as set out in the general conditions of the policy.

MAPFRE offers different policies according to the insured and their property needs. They can choose among Multiplan Personal, Homeowners, Dwelling and Flood products.

MAPFRE establishes some limits for the automatic and optional coverages of the policy, specified in the documents provided to the insured.

The MAPFRE Property and Contingency insurances include some requirements and restrictions that customers must consider in order to know better their rights and obligations.

The MAPFRE Property insurance establishes some requirements and restrictions, including the following:

  • Property damages not covered by the policy are excluded.
  • MAPFRE is not liable for compensations when the insured has not paid the premium set by the Company.
  • MAPFRE can cancel the policy if the insured acts in bad faith or provides fraudulent statements.
  • The limit for damages caused to the exterior elements of the building is set at a maximum of $ 2,500.
  • MAPFRE covers damages for losses up to the maximum specified as a limit on the general conditions of the policy.
  • The limit amounts declared in the additional coverages will be applied according to the specific limits of such coverages, which may differ from those set forth in the general conditions.

MAPFRE offers to those persons interested in the company insurances, recommendations for use in order to achieve the maximum benefit from the coverages included in the general and special conditions of the policy.

Recommendations for use before and after registering a MAPFRE Property and contingency insurance:

  • MAPFRE suggests users to read carefully the coverages included in the general conditions of the policy, as well as the particular conditions of the main and optional coverages.

Recommendations to obtain the maximum benefit of the policy:

  • The MAPFRE Property insurance coverages take effect once the insured pays the premium.
  • Policyholders who have a MAPFRE Property insurance for business must give notice as soon as possible of the damages covered by the policy.
  • MAPFRE has no obligation to deal with damages not included in the general and special conditions of the policy.
  • Policyholders should provide all required documents and cooperate with MAPFRE as requested.
  • MAPFRE will send the necessary notifications to the address listed in the files of the company; any alteration must be notified to the Company.
  • Policyholders or persons interested in knowing more about the Property insurance can contact experienced agents through MAPFRE Contact Center, operational 24/7.

Property and Contingency Services for my Business

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