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Property and contingency insurance for my business


Policies to protect your commercial properties.

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Merchandiser, we have the complete pakage for you Multiplan Comercial


We offer a huge variety of property insurances for your business, with policies that suit all your needs.

Public Liability

We protect the policyholder against damages and injuries caused to third parties, which prevents losses in his/her equity.

Multiline Policy

This complete insurance adapts to all types of businesses and offers protection for your property (including boilers and machinery). It also covers transportation and maintenance of goods, and general civil liability of the insured.

Flood Insurance

This policy covers damages caused by flooding to commercial dwellings as a result of the overflow of bodies of water, storm surges and mudslides, among others.

Commercial Dwelling Policy

This insurance is designed to cover the risks of commercial spaces operating in a structure originally built as a residence.

Hole in One

This policy is aimed at organizations that offer a prize to the first player to achieve a "Hole in One" in a golf tournament. We will cover the previously fixed amount of the prize.


This policy provides protection to the insured against claims arising from their activity with aircraft. Furthermore, loss or damage to the own aircraft are covered.


We offer our customers contract, court, miscellaneous, license and permits, and federal bonds.

Professional Liability

The policy protects the insured against claims for damages to third parties resulting from negligence, errors or omissions in their profession and legal capacity.

Maritime Risks / Inland Maritime

This policy covers the policyholder properties during storage and transportation, such as works of art or relevant documents. Properties that are in maritime transportation are also covered.

Directors and Officers

The Non-profit Directors and Officers (D&O) Professional Liability Policy provides protection to the members of the Board in order to be able to perform adequately their professional duties.

Property and Contingency Services for my Business

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