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Group Life Insurance


This focuses on the employer’s protecting the employees’ family members.

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MAPFRE LIFE offers, for all its insurances and services, a number of general conditions which indicate the covers established for each product, its benefits and advantages, limits and restrictions to consider to get the maximum benefit from your policy. 

Group Life Insurance of MAPFRE is a policy designed to protect family members of employees by the employer. 

The benefits to policyholders, as established in the general conditions of the policy, can be established providing covers based on classes, positions or multiple salaries of the workforce. Additionally the insurance includes a cover for Dismemberment by accident and Common Carrier clause.

In addition, MAPFRE offers the possibility to add additional covers such as Optional Benefit of Life Insurance or Dependent Life cover, for the protection of the wife and children of the insured.

Life and Disability Insurances of MAPFRE indicate, through its general conditions, a number of requirements and restrictions that policyholders must know and consider when register or request the services of the Company. 

Group Life Insurance of MAPFRE establishes the following requirements and restrictions:

  • Suicide or death from wounds inflicted by the insured himself, or by an eligible family member. 
  • Injuries received while the insured is a member of the armed forces of any country or international authority. 
  • Injuries received by the insured while participating in any tournament aviation or speed. 
  • Injuries received while the insured is pilot or the crew of an aircraft. 
  • Injuries received by the insured while he/she is committing an assault or is participating in a criminal act or as a result thereof.
  • Injuries received while the insured is under the influence of alcohol or alcoholic beverages, use of drugs, narcotics or hallucinogens, except those taken by prescription.

MAPFRE is not liable for damage not covered by the agreement with the Company.

MAPFRE shows a series of recommendations for use for people who are considering the possibility of hiring a Life and Disability Insurance or for those who already have their covers, to know what the right processes are to get the maximum benefit from the insurance.

Recommendations for use before hiring a Group Life Insurance: 

  • MAPFRE LIFE recommends a careful reading of the general and special conditions of the policy and covers included by the Company.

Recommendations for getting the maximum benefit of Group Life Insurance: 

  • It is important that policyholders know what are the exactly dates of start and end of the agreement, as outside this period, the Company is not liable for compensation previously agreed. 
  • Users who need to resolve any questions in relations to Group Life policy can contact the telephone service for customers of MAPFRE or go to any of the offices throughout the island of Puerto Rico. 
  • MAPFRE offers policyholders a series of processes for making claims that users should comply to benefit from the policy covers. 
  • The Company establishes a number of limits on their covers and is not responsible for damages or related expenses that exceed such amounts. 
  • Claims must be submitted in the period established by MAPFRE in the general and special conditions of the policy.

Life and Disability Services for my Business

Check the services related to Life and Disability insurance for business offered by MAPFRE PUERTO RICO.





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