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Home 5 Life and disability insurance for my business 5 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance for my business


This will pay for losses as a direct result of an accident.

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This will pay for losses as a direct result of an accident.

Insurance for Accidental Death, Dismemberment, and Hospitalization due to Accident

This policy will provide a previously established capital if the policyholder dies as a result of an accident.

The Dismemberment coverage for loss of one of the main members (hands, arms, feet, legs, or vision) as a result of an accident will be compensated with 50% of the established capital. If the policyholder suffers the loss of two of his or her main members, the compensation will be equal to the capital established for accidental death.

The policyholder will have accident hospitalization coverage, which will be paid on a monthly basis while he or she is hospitalized.

The limits available for accidental death and dismemberment range from $10,000 to $100,000.

The additional coverage available for this policy is:

  • Total Physical Disability Rider

For more information, please see our brochure.

Through life and disability insurances for business, MAPFRE LIFE offers a number of benefits and advantages detailed in the general and special conditions of their policies.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment of MAPFRE offers you the following benefits and advantages, among others:


In case of death, the Company provides capital previously established in the general and special conditions of the agreement.


Hospitalization because of an accident is covered, and it will be paid monthly while the insured is at the hospital.


If the insured suffers the loss of one of its leading members, he/she will receive 50% of capital established in the general conditions. If he/she loses two of its leading members, compensation shall be equal to 100%.


Accidental Death and Dismeberment insurance also includes:

Physical Disability

It offers the option of the Total Physical Disability coverage.

All insured will have access to the most modern office phone in Puerto Rico: This tele-office serves any purpose related to a MAPFRE insurance line. We offer you a specialized service to solve all your needs in a direct, complete and professional service.

The general conditions of the policy details the covers of which the insured takes benefit, and the benefits, requirements and restrictions set forth in the agreement.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment of MAPFRE covers economic losses as a result of the accident. In these cases, the policy provides a capital previously agreed between the Company and the insured, if he dies as a result of an accident or suffers the loss of one of its leading members (hands, arms, feet, legs or vision).

In the case of dismemberment, the insured receives 50% of the agreed amount; it will be increase up to 100% of it in case he/she loses two key members. In addition, the policy includes coverage for hospitalization and the additional accident coverage for the Total Physical Disability.

The general conditions of the policy include information on the limits available: from $10,000 to $100,000 in case of accidental death and dismemberment of the insured.

This insurance includes a number of requirements and restrictions that must be studied by the customer before hiring. It is important to consider these aspects to choose the policy that best suits your needs and those of your business.

The Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance includes, among other, the belonging requirements and restrictions:

  • In case of death or dismemberment, the death or loss must occurs within ninety days immediately following the accident and while the policy is in force.
  • MAPFRE is not responsible of the limits that exceed the limits established in the general and special conditions of the covers.
  • The policy does not cover losses caused by or resulting from:
    • Suicide or attempted suicide or wounds inflicted by the insured himself or by an eligible family member.
    • War or act of declared or undeclared war.
    • Wounds received while the insured is a member of the armed forces of any country or international authority.
    • Wounds received by the insured while participating in any aviation or speed tournament.
    • Wounds received while the insured is the pilot or crew of an aircraft.
    • For illness or medical treatment for an illness.
    • Poisoning.
    • Inhalation of gases or vapors.
    • Wounds received by the insured person while he or she is committing an assault or is participating in a criminal act or as a result thereof.
    • Wounds received by the insured while he or she is under the influence of alcohol or alcoholic beverages, use of drugs, narcotics or hallucinogens, except those taken by prescription.
  • MAPFRE LIFE is not liable for damage not covered by the agreement with the Company.
  • The available limits are from $ 10,000 to $ 100,000.
MAPFRE LIFE recommends know and follow a series of recommendations for use in order to access the covers included in the general conditions of the policy as well as the benefits and advantages of the policy if an accident happens.

Recommendations for use before hiring an Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance:

  • The Company advises users to pay special attention to the general conditions of the policy before register the service with MAPFRE LIFE.

Recommendations to benefit from the Accidental Death and Dismemberment covers:

  • It shall give written notice of the claim to the Company within twenty days after it happened or begun any loss covered by the policy.
  • If there is a claim for loss, the insured must provide the Company a written notice within ninety days after the end of the period for which the Company is responsible.
  • Compensation with periodic payment plans will be paid immediately after receiving a writing notice explaining the loss.
  • Changes made to the policy are not valid until they are approved by an executive officer of the Company and only if approval is endorsed to it.
  • MAPFRE LIFE, through its telephone service, will provide the users and insured all information related to Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance.

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