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Home 5 Business 5 Auto Insurances for my business 5 Commercial Auto Insurance: Truckers

Commercial Auto Insurance: Truckers


Allows the performance of a vital component of our economy, as is the freight transportation.

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A truckers’ policy is a product that allows the performance of a vital component of our economy: freight transportation.

These programs include important basic coverages, such as:

  • Public Liability
    Covers bodily injury and damages to property caused by negligent acts for which you or your employees are legally liable.
  • Physical damages
    Covers direct damages to your vehicles caused by collisions, theft, vandalism, flood, etc.
Should you wish additional information, you may contact our MAPFRE Contact Center information center at: 787-250-5214 or 1-888-835-3634 (island)

The General Conditions of any insurance are aimed at detailing the terms of coverages and their content.

Truckers Insurance covers physical damages to the insured vehicle as a result of events such as collisions or vandalism. It also covers the amounts that the insured may be legally required to pay for damages and injuries to third parties as a result of an accident during the use or maintenance of the commercial vehicle covered by the policy. Both coverages have to be selected to apply.

In case of an accident, you can report your claim through the telephone service MAPFRE Contact Center, where a reference number and a claim adjuster will be assigned to you. We will fix a date with the day and time at the branch closest to you to avoid delays in attending your claim.

This policy has certain requirements and restrictions that shall be evaluated by the customer. It is very important to consider them in order to decide which insurance policy suits better the policyholder needs.

  • The insured vehicle must be a land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer designed for travel on public roads. You can also insure any other land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law or other motor vehicle insurance law. 
  • For purposes of this policy, MAPFRE considers as the insured the persons or firms that appear on the provisions of each coverage. 

The following restrictions apply to the policy:

  • We will not provide liability coverage to any person intentionally causing bodily injuries or damages to property.
  • Coverage is not provided for own damages, or damages or bodily injuries to a third party, caused by war, revolution or rebellion.
  • We will not cover damages to the vehicle caused by nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
  • We will not cover damages to the vehicle caused by wear and tear, freezing, mechanical or electrical breakdown.
  • We will not cover liability of the policyholder arising from the use of the car while is used to compete in any race or speed contest, demolition contests or stunting activities.
  • We will not cover damages to data, audio or video electronic devices, such as discs.
  • We will not provide cover for damages to third party property, or for pollution, involving property owned or carried by the insured or in the insured’s care, custody or control.

    MAPFRE recommends the policyholder, in order to receive benefits of all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting it:

    Recommendations to purchase your Truckers insurance:

    • Read carefully the clauses and the special provisions of each coverage.

    Once contracted your Truckers policy is important to consider the following issues:

    • This policy is void in any case of fraud on the information provided in the application forms or when filling a claim.
    • In case of a mishap, you or your authorised representative must contact us without delay.
    • In case of an accident, you must send us copies of any demand, order or notice received concerning the claim.
    • In case of an accident, the insured is obliged to use the means at its disposal to mitigate the consequences of it.
    • You must cooperate with us in the investigation or settlement of the claim. 
    • You cannot incur in expenses related with the claim without our consent.
    • You must authorize us to obtain medical records related with the accident if needed.
    • The coverage territory is Puerto Rico, The United States of America, the territories and possessions of the United States of America and Canada.

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