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Home 5 Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance


This policy covers the professional liability or the negligence of professionals in the performance of their work.

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It is designed to protect the policyholder from claims for damages to third parties stemming from negligence, errors, or omissions in their profession and legal capacity.

  • We have this policy available for attorneys.
  • The need for this coverage stems from the legal duties of the profession that an attorney owes to his or her clients and to third parties. This responsibility has been developed based on the legal statutes and general rules accepted as a part of the profession.

For more information, contact your authorized representative or producer or call MAPFRE Contact Center at 787-250-5214 or 1-888-835-3634 (island).

MAPFRE insurances establish a number of general and particular conditions that the users must take into account in order to evaluate which are the covers and advantages that will provide them benefits once registered the insurance.

The general and particular conditions of the Professional Liability Insurance for Lawyers indicate which are the events related to the liability of the diverse professions that are protected by the policy.

Furthermore, the conditions indicate the limits and exclusions set by the company and the benefits and advantages available to the policyholders.

The General Conditions establish which are the covers related to damages caused to third parties by negligence, error or omission as a cause of their professional activity.

The property and contingency insurances offered by MAPFRE establish several requirements and restrictions that the customer must consider in order to be protected in case of a mishap related with the policy.

The Professional Liability Insurance for Lawyers indicates, in their general and particular conditions, the following requirements and restrictions:

  • It is a policy aimed at the legal profession.
  • The policy covers damages to third parties within the limits established in the general and particular conditions of the agreement.
  • MAPFRE is not liable to cover those cases where the compensation exceeds the limits.
  • It is a policy for professionals whose responsibility can lead to high compensations for the affected.
  • The period of validity of the policy begins with the premium payment and their coverages are valid until the end of it.
  • MAPFRE has no obligation to take charge of incidents once terminated the policy or in those cases where the insured had not fulfilled the payment established by the company.

MAPFRE recommends the users to consider some guidelines in order to access to all the benefits offered by MAPFRE:

Before contracting the policy:

  • Study the general and the particular provisions of the policy, the requirements, exclusions and limits established by MAPFRE.

Once contracted the Professional Liability Insurance for Lawyers:

  • Users must know which covers are included in the general conditions to know in which cases they will be protected.
  • It is a policy designed for users whose law practice can lead to claims of third parties.
  • It is important to know the validity period of the policy, and the process to renew the policy or terminate the service in the term established by MAPFRE.
  • MAPFRE has no obligation to cover events that are not included in the general and special conditions of the policy.
  • In case of a claim, you must contact us without delay and provide MAPFRE all the documents required by us or that can be helpful to study the facts.
  • In case of doubt, policyholders should know that MAPFRE has a 24/7 Call Center. 

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