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Home 5 Hole in One Insurance

Hole in One Insurance


Insurance policy to reimburse the prize won by a player when making a “Hole in One” while playing in a golf tournament in Puerto Rico.

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MAPFRE PUERTO RICO has designed an insurance policy to reimburse the prize won by a player upon achieving a “Hole in One.” This policy is purchased mainly by organizations that will offer a high value prize in a Golf Tournament.

The “Hole in Once Insurance” may be offered in formally organized golf tournaments sponsored by any entity, association, and/or existing business. The basic requirements are the following:

  • The hole must have a minimum distance of 175 yards.
  • The participants cannot be golf professionals.

The General Conditions of any insurance are aimed at detailing the terms of coverages available to the policyholder, as well as the benefits, requirements and restrictions set forth by the company in order to access to the benefits of the policy. 

The insurance will reimburse, during the development of a golf tournament, valuable prizes for those participants who achieve a “hole in one”.

Likewise, in cases where the tournament is organized and sponsored by entities, associations and / or companies the insurance allows the option to get the policy Hole in Eleven Insurance.

This policy has certain requirements and restrictions that shall be evaluated in order to access to the covers included in the general conditions of the policy.

Hole in One policy is a policy aimed at a specific activity and includes a number of requirements and restrictions such as:

  • Reimburse only the prize awarded to the first player to a “hole in one” in a golf tournament.
  • The policy covers those tournaments that take place in the area of Puerto Rico.
  • Payment of the cost of the award included in the policy is determined by the conditions established in the previous agreement.
  • The protection provided by the policy is valid between the commencement date and the end date of the tournament.
  • Compensation is excluded in case of fraud, deceit or dishonesty, as well as for any other breach of the rules established by the insured tournament.

The following restrictions apply to the “Hole in One” policy:

  • The hole must have a minimum distance of 175 yards.
  • The participants cannot be golf professionals.

It is essential to follow some recommendations of use offered by MAPFRE before and after contracting the policy Hole in One, in order to access to the covers and benefits from the policy:

Recommendations to purchase your auto insurance:

  • Read carefully the clauses and the general and special provisions of each coverage to access to their benefits.

Recommendations after the policy is issue:

  • The Hole in One policy guarantees will enter into force once the insured pays the premium and is valid for the duration of the tournament.
  • The policy is intended solely for the reimburse of high-value prizes that are awarded to players who achieve a hole in one.
  • In the case of a “Hole in One”, the insured must contact MAPFRE as soon as possible and provide all related documents at their disposal.
  • The insured must fully cooperate with MAPFRE.
  • MAPFRE is not required to deal with damages not included in the general and special conditions of the agreement.
  • You must notify claims to us within a maximum period of three working days after the “Hole in One”.
  • Claims are by processed by specialized agents from our 24/7 Information Center.

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