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Home 5 About us 5 News 5 Fundación MAPFRE awards a Mexican company that helps children with cancer with 30,000 euros

Fundación MAPFRE awards a Mexican company that helps children with cancer with 30,000 euros

The “Red Nose School for Children with Cancer” project carried out by the Mexican Association Campeones de la vida NR AC (Nariz Roja) has won the First Call for International Projects from Formando Comunidad, which has been promoted by Fundacion MAPFRE with the aim of supporting the development of international cooperation projects in Latin America, United States, Philippines, Turkey, Malta and Portugal.

This initiative will allow the Mexican NGO, established in 2010 by the psychologist Alejandro Barbosa, to promote the physical, intellectual and social development of a total of 60 children suffering from cancer in the State of Jalisco through school programs tailored to the health circumstances of each one of them.

In addition to the Red Nose School for Children with Cancer Project, in this call there have been other 507 programs from more than 1,600 companies from 23 countries.

Such programs, which contribute to some of the areas of activity of the “Formando Comunidad” program such as education, nutrition, health and access to the labor market, obtained 260,000 votes.

On March 10th, a jury of experts from the Third Sector selected among the seven most voted projects the “Red Nose School for Children with Cancer,” which has been awarded with 30,000 euros.

Since the call for projects was launched in October 2015, half a million people have visited the Formando comunidad website, which is currently formed by 107 cooperation programs in 23 countries, from which 105,000 children and young people benefit in situations of poverty and social exclusion.

Fundacion MAPFRE will convene the Second Call for Projects from “Formando Comunidad” this upcoming September.This is a new edition in which again social

organizations from Latin America, USA, Philippines, Turkey, Malta and Portugal, countries in which the entity operates, will be invited to submit solidarity projects. The rules of the call will be available at: