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Home 5 About us 5 News 5 Hurricane Maria inspires new Road Safety campaign

Hurricane Maria inspires new Road Safety campaign

San Juan, December 15, 2017. Committed to continuing to promote safety on the country’s roads, Fundación MAPFRE launches its new road safety campaign. The initiative seeks to call for accident prevention with a series of tips focused on the issues of pedestrians, distractions, alcohol and stress.

The campaign will be broadcast on the island’s main radio stations using the concept of radio soap operas. Radio has been the main mass means of communication after the hurricane and after the lack of electricity and instability of the electrical system. In this way, the message reaches the widest possible audience.

Simultaneously, educational messages with the same topics will be published through Fundación MAPFRE Puerto Rico’s social networks. The campaign will be active in the aforementioned media from December 14 to mid-January 2018.

“The passage of Hurricane María greatly affected all aspects of our daily lives and the roads were no exception. The lack of traffic lights has made the crossings more dangerous than ever, many signs have disappeared, and the lack of lighting makes it difficult to see signs and even pedestrians. The plugs are the order of the day, frustration and stress divert our attention and rob us of peace. That is why it is so necessary to create awareness to avoid more crashes and deaths on our roads. Our campaign responds to this problem. ”, Said Iraida Meléndez, Senior Vice President of Communication, Marketing, Social Responsibility and Corporate Relations of MAPFRE.

To access the campaign or more information about Fundación MAPFRE Puerto Rico, follow us on Facebook
